Government of the Virgin Islands
The official source for Government's information, news and services.
This website is constantly being updated with new features, content, services and information.
Be sure to check back regularly for new developments.

Featured Services & Information


Business Development

Starting a Business 


Health and Family Life

Help with parenting, unions, and beyond


Citizenship & Immigration

Becoming a citizen & living in the BVI.


Driving & Transportation

Includes getting a driver's licence


Education & Training

Information for K-12, Teritiary & Scholarship


Shipping Registry

Find information about how to register your vessel within the Virgin Islands


Property Development

Building your home or business



Property Tax, Payroll Tax, and Stamp Duty



Listing of employment opportunities


Virgin Islands Gazette

The Gazette is the official newspaper of the Government of the Virgin Islands 


Food and Agriculture

Find information pertaining to farming & livestock


Government Contracts

Government Contracts and tender documents

Our Leaders...

His Excellency Daniel Pruce

Dr. the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley

Mr. David Archer Jr.