Dependent coverage is available for the policyholder's dependent children up to their 19 birthday if single or up to their 24th birthday if single and full-time students at an accredited college or university (minimum of 12 credits per semester) or an equivalent full-time student schedule) at the time that the policy is issued and renewed.

The sirens located throughout the BVI form part of the Territory's Early Warning System.  Sirens are designed for outdoor use, therefore they are largely heard by persons who are outdoors when they sounded.  The national Siren System and National Emergency Brodcast System are tested at 2:00 p.m. on the fourth Friday of every month.  As a part of the test, the public is asked to tune into ZBVI, ZROD, ZKING or ZCCR for test messages from the Department of Disaster Management.

The public is not expected to react once the siren is sounded, as this is only a test.  However, some schools routinely use the opportunity to conduct their emergency drills with students evacuating school premises as they woukd in the event of an actual hazard event.

It is easy to differentiate between the testing of the siren and when they are sounded for an actual emergency,  For the monthly test, the sirens emit short audio burst but in real emergency, the sound would be continuous.


Please see the table of benefits on page 7 of your Bupa Secure Care BVI Membership Guide.

A  $40 stamp duty per document is payable.

The Study Leave Assessment Board presents a list of training prorities for the Public Service, annually. This list identified those skills that are critical for the sustainability of the Government and are scarce.
You will be interviewed by a panel of people. Panel interviews are efficient, and support a fair and transparent recruitment process. Conducting one interview allows the candidate to be assessed for the position by more than one person at a time and requires the candidate to answer one set of questions. Panel interviews also allow for all candidates to be given the same time and respect by the same interviewers. The interviewers usually include the manager who has a job opening in his or her department, a human resources representative and one other person.
Fees are US$125.00 which is payable upon submission of the application.

Applicants may remit payment in any of the following forms:

  • Cash
  • Cheques
  • Debit or Credit Cards
  • International Postal Money Orders
  • Bankers Cheques


If your belongers card is lost or stolen you need to report it immediately to the Civil Registry & Passport Office and to the local Police Authorities. Only after exhaustive enquiries can a replacement be issued in such circumstances and a fee of US$125.00 is remitted. The belongers card of deceased persons should be submitted for cancellation to the Civil Registry & Passport Office.
