i-Series, Windows and Web-based databases are developed in-house by our team of program developers.  Based on requests, a needs analysis is conducted to identify and document system requirements, after which coding, testing, and training takes place.


Step 1:  Department Head must submit an initial request letter to the Director of Information Technology, advising of intent.

Step 2:  An acknowledgement letter is sent indicating the course of direction that will be taken.

Step 3:  A programmer within the department is assigned to the project.

Step 4:  The programmer will assist the requesting department, in conducting an analysis of operational procedures and functions to determine the need requirements of the department the software development should meet.

Step 5:  If no existing system can meet the identified requirements, a decision will be made between pursuing in-house development or outsourcing.

Step 6:  Using the Waterfall System Development Cycle, the software is developed with constant consultation with representatives from the requesting department.

Step 7:  Users from the department are expected to actively participate in the Test Phase, to determine if the developed software meets expectations.

Step 8:  Users review manuals that outline how to use the system, and attend schedule training sessions.

Step 9:  Department makes active use of the system to improve operational efficiency.

Method of Applying


Department Contact Information

Department of Information Technology

Central Administration Building
33 Admin Drive
Road Town, Tortola
Virgin Islands (British) VG1110

Business Hours:

Monday - Friday  
8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Email Address: doit@gov.vg

Telephone: 1(284) 468-4242
Fax:1(284) 468-3419