Cabinet Decisions - Meeting of 12th June, 2019

Thursday, 20 June 2019 - 1:43pm

His Excellency the Acting Governor Mr. David Archer, Jr. chaired the Meeting held on 12th June, 2019 in the absence of Governor Augustus Jaspert....

Cabinet Decisions - Meeting of 5th June, 2019

Monday, 17 June 2019 - 2:47pm

His Excellency the Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert chaired the Meeting held on 5th June, 2019.

Cabinet Decisions - Meeting of 30th May 2019

Thursday, 6 June 2019 - 2:57pm

His Excellency the Acting Governor Mr. David Archer, Jr. chaired the Meeting held on 30th May, 2019 in the absence of Governor Augustus Jaspert....

Cabinet Decisions: Meetings of 15th and 23rd May, 2019

Monday, 3 June 2019 - 11:10am

His Excellency the Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert chaired the Cabinet Meetings held on 15th and 23rd May, 2019 at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building.

Cabinet Decisions - 7th and 8th May, 2019

Thursday, 16 May 2019 - 3:22pm

His  Excellency  the  Governor  Augustus  J.  U.  Jaspert  chaired  the  Special  Cabinet Meeting on 7th  May, 2019 and the Cabinet Meeting on 8th  May, 2019.

Cabinet Decisions - Meeting of 30th April, 2017

Thursday, 9 May 2019 - 2:50pm

His Excellency the Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert chaired the first half of the Cabinet Meeting on 30th April, 2019 and the Premier and Minister of Finance chaired the meeting to conclusion. The Meeting was held at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building

Cabinet Decisions- Meeting of 24 April 2019

Wednesday, 1 May 2019 - 3:52pm

Deputy to Governor Mr. David Archer, Jr. chaired the Meeting held on 24th April, 2019............

Cabinet Decisions - Meetings of 3rd and 17th April, 2019

Thursday, 25 April 2019 - 11:05am

His Excellency the Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert chaired the Meetings held on the 3rd and 17th April, 2019 at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building.

Cabinet Decisions - 27th March, 2019

Monday, 8 April 2019 - 10:17am

His Excellency the Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert chaired the Meeting held on 27th March, 2019

Cabinet Of The Virgin Islands - Post Meeting Statement Cabinet Decision

Thursday, 28 March 2019 - 11:42am

His Excellency the Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert chaired the Special Meeting held on 21st March, 2019 at the Premier’s Conference Room, Central Administration Building.
All Members were present.
