The public is encouraged to watch an interview with the Deputy Premier and Minister for Natural Resources and Labour on the upcoming Regional Sargassum Conference to be held on Monday March 21 on Moskito Island.
The public is invited to join with the Conservation and Fisheries Department and the Water and Sewerage Department at the World Water Day Exhibition on Tuesday, March 22 at the Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park.
The public is invited to the book launch ceremony for the novel, “A Story to Tell” on Saturday, March 19 at the Carrot Bay Community Centre at 2:00 p.m.
Residents are reminded to inspect their residential and business premises for potential mosquito breeding sites following recent heavy rains experienced across the Territory.
Secondary school students and youth between the ages of 14 and 21are invited to register for the Department of Youth Affairs and Sports’ Junior Scientist Easter Programme.
The principal and students of the Elmore Stoutt High School are inviting the public to their 2nd Annual Cheerleading Competition on Wednesday, March 16 at the Multi-Purpose Sports Complex.