Business Continuity is more than just "disaster recovery"b it is about prevention of loss, and preparing of loss, and preparing or disruptive incidents that may cripple an organization's functionality which may lead to the temporary or permanent business closure.  A Business Continuity Management Survey conducted in 2013 in association with the British standards Institution (BSI) indicated that the average cost to manage in UK organizations that were asffected by the snow of early 2013 was approximately US $80,000.  The most common effects of this disruption were staff being unable to report to work due to travel difficulties or closures in school/ childcare, and business meeting cancelled.  A Business Continuity Plan can help can help when faced with these kinds of distruption.  Business Sector Plan templates are available on the Department's website at

The Department of Disaster Management offers training in Business Continuity and Recovery Planning to local business.  The H.Lavity Stoutt Community College also offers annual training in Business Continuity Management.