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As the Records Management Unit is small and the RM programme is still in its fledgling stages, the following is a list of the career posts one could eventually expect to see operating in the Virgin Islands:

  • Chief Archivist and Records Manager (Director of the National Archives) 
  • Government Archivist (Deputy Director) 
  • Government Records Manager (Deputy Director) 
  • Records Centre Supervisor 
  • Archivist’s Assistant 
  • Records Management Assistant
  • Micrographics Technician 
  • Conservator
  • IT Manager

In larger countries such as the United States the United Kingdom, Australia, Belize, Canada and elsewhere, there are numerous career posts and specializations that one can pursue in Archives and Records Management.

The following links can help you explore more of them:

No.  There are restrictions to trade for a particular commodity or consignment.  Contact the department for further information.

Yes, the new phones use Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) for placing and transmitting telephone calls over an IP network such as the Internet.

We do not have After School Programmes. All programmes for youth will be administrated through our BeYOUth Centre which will be launched in 2021.


Yes - The annual tonnage fee and maintenance fee charged as per Fees Schedule.


Yes. Christopher Varlack was hired as the first Government Archivist in September 2007. Additionally, the Chief Records Management Officer is also an archivist and the Archives Project Coordinator. Furthermore, while the Archives was under the care of the Public Library from the 1980’s to 2004, Chief Librarian Bernadine Louis and Library staff member Janice Blyden fulfilled Archivist tasks.

There are three different types of Trade License  applications based on the following industry types  (i) Construction  (ii) Crewed Yacht / Charters (iii) General ( for all other business types) 

The main programme aim  is  lend financial assistance needy , BVIslander or Belonger owned small businesses in industry priority areas such as Technology and                                                                                                                                                                                           Technological innovations, Tourism and Cultural Industries, Marine Industry, Agriculture, Aquaculture, and Financial and Professional Services.

Unlike libraries where patrons are permitted to browse through stacks and borrow books, Archives normally do not allow access to storage areas by researchers, nor are researchers allowed to take irreplaceable records out on loan.
The child should attain 5 years of age by February of the school year of admission.
We develop assessment based on the qualifications of the job. Assessments could include a written test, a presentation or other methods to identify the best qualified candidate for the job. For example, some positions may require good written communication and analytical skills in an environment where there are tight time pressures. Candidates for this job may be given a written test.

Registered Land Rules of 1972 (CAP.229)
Intestate Estates Act (CAP.34)
Judgments Act (CAP.35)
Non-Belongers Land Holding Regulation Act (CAP.122)
Condominium Ordinance (CAP.219)
Conveyancing and Law of Property Ordinance (CAP.220)
Land Acquisition Ordinance (CAP.222)
Land Adjudication Ordinance (CAP.223)
Trustee Ordinance (CAP.303)
Commissioners for Oaths & Notaries Public Act (CAP.12)
Common Law

Yes. The process is to make a request in writing to the Chief Immigration Officer stating the intention of having the bond refunded. Persons will have to be out of the territory to make such a request and the original receipt for the bond MUST accompany this request. 



Yes, the child can enter using a birth certificate provided proof of Virgin Island parents’ information is submitted upon entry into the territory. Parents are encouraged to obtain a Belonger Card in respect of the child/children.

Yes, persons wishing to have this privilege are encouraged to write to the Chief Immigration Officer requesting such permission.

No. Soil is not transferred from one country to another.

No. An employer must have a valid and fair reason for dismissing a worker at all times, including during the probationary period. That reason must be connected with the worker’s ability to perform or his conduct on the job or redundancy where the job has been abolished.

No. An employer is only permitted to extend your probationary period where it is in your interest to do so. For example, he or she may extend your probationary period where your absence from work due to illness or injury makes your actual working time on the job insufficient for your employer to make a fair assessment of your suitability for the job.

Yes!  Anyone from the establishment authorised by the proprietor.

The Partnership for Peace Programme is a court mandated programme, but allows for someone to volunteer on becoming a part of the programme. Please view the steps for the Partnership for Peace Programme on this website or you can contact the Office of Gender Affairs for more information.

No. The closing date is the last day you can apply for the job. The vacancy notice will specify the acceptance period for electronic submissions or, if a hard copy is required, whether or not your application should be either received or postmarked by the closing date.
On 23rd June, 2010 Cabinet decided to cease the rehiring of retired personnel. If there is an exceptional public interest in retaining the services of a public officer reaching the retirement age of 60 the person should be retained as a public officer instead of being allowed to retire and then immediately be re-engaged. Otherwise the retirement age of 60 is to be applied strictly. Consideration might be given to re-engaging such officers if they had been out of the service for more than two years.
No. Public officers are required to use his or her earned annual leave within the year it is earned.
Yes. The Government of the Virgin Islands is committed to fostering a climate of continuous learning where employees have access to a variety of learning opportunities and supports for career advancement. If you want to change your career path, learning opportunities are widely available to support your career transition. For more information, contact the our Department or your human resources manager.
Yes. If you have retired from the Public Service you are eligible to maintain your health insurance. To continue health insurance it will be at the retiree rate and you may have to complete the Bupa Addition, Cancellation or Change Form.
