Appearing before the Tribunal is free. There are no fees to make a complaint.
Yes, any exception will require permission from the Chief Immigration Officer.
As a policy, the Department of Information and Public Relations does not sign documents stating that particular images are not copyrighted, because Government records are public domain. For other materials, it is the user’s responsibility to determine copyright.
Although a business plan is not required to be submitted for all types of businesses, presenting one with your application will serve to help the officer reviewing your application to get a better understanding of your proposed business.
Yes, but you do need to contact the Department of Human Resources for the official listing. Alternatively you may visit HR Website
Yes! Each facility is inspected at least twice per year. The first inspection ensures standards are maintained and the facility qualifies for licencing. Subsequent inspections are conducted for monitoring health and sanitation standards.
Yes. All daycares and pre-schools must be registered with the following agencies annually:
- The Early Childhood Unit, Ministry of Education and Culture
- The Environmental Health Division
NO, the term "Guarantee" in the Loan Guarantee Porgramme does not mean that an applicant has an automatic yes or is guaranteed to get a loan. The bank has the final say on what
application will or will not be awarded, with the Government providing the guarantee in the case of default, the bank takes into consideration loans they otherwise wouldn't.
Yes. Shipments can be arranged for the sister islands pending prior payment arrangements. The team is happy to discuss the requirements, so do not hesitate to call.
Yes orders of 25 lbs or more are eligible for delivery.
The staff ably offers a variety of finishes from filleting to vacuum packing and most things in between. Never hesitate to ask if it can be done, because chances are (for a nominal fee) it can be!
The Department of Information and Public Relations holds materials in a wide variety of formats including:
- Text
- Audio recordings
- Video recordings
- Electronic recordings
- Photographs and
- Graphic works
The Department of Information and Public Relations does not add to its holding through purchase. We may accept offers to submit images, materials and/or documents when said items are closely related to Government materials already in our possession.
Yes! Only for schools and public facilities maintained by Government. Private residences and businesses are required to supply their own chlorine and the Environmental Health Division will administer the treatment.
Yes. Call Fire Headquarters and ask for the Service Delivery Unit, then make an appointment.
The Office of Gender Affairs deals with both males and females.