Communications Officer II
Deputy Governor's Office
Government of the Virgin Islands
Tel: 284.468.2350
Press Release
Press Release
Premier's Office
Ministry of Finance
Release Date:
Friday, 19 November 2021 - 3:51pm

The Premier said several projects will be undertaken including the construction of bathroom facilities at Brewer’s Bay as well as a number of upgrades to the Virgin Gorda Taddy Bay Airport to include a new welcome centre, the expansion of the runway, repairs to the rescue boat, an emergency drill, and updating briefing packs for flight crews.
Premier Fahie also affirmed that the TB Lettsome International Airport will also benefit from a runway expansion, adding that funding is already appropriated in this year’s and next year’s budgets.
The Premier said that in spite of setbacks incurred during these challenges times, the BVI Tourist Board, BVI Ports Authority, BVI Airport Authority, along with public and private institutions, have been working collectively to attract visitors whilst simultaneously ensuring that the Territory is both a competitive and sustainable destination.
Premier Fahie said, “Where tourism is one of the Virgin Islands’ two major economic drivers, any progress we can realise at this time…will be of benefit to our economy, our taxi operators, restaurants, tour operators, domestic ferries, land and sea-based entrepreneurs, museums, national parks, sailing companies, and all the entrepreneurs and businesses that service our visitors.”
The Premier highlighted the many successes the VI has seen thus far in its Tourism sector since reopening, including the BVI delegation’s success at the 2021 Seatrade Cruise Global Conference which resulted in the confirmation of 176 extra calls to the Virgin Islands beginning October 2021 up until 2024, as well as additional international round trip ferry services, the upcoming reopening of the Taddy Bay Airport, the continuation of the Anegada Lobster Fest, and Culture and Tourism Month.
Premier Fahie concluded by stating that Government and other relevant stakeholders are actively involved in innovating the VI’s tourism product by exploring areas such as nature tourism. He also reminded the public of the National Tourism Strategy which will facilitate this innovation in a comprehensive manner.
“The National Tourism Strategy when completed in 2022, will be the blueprint for all aspects of shaping and positioning of the Virgin Islands’ tourism industry in the current global landscape,” the Premier said, adding, “This strategy will also provide us with even more modern approaches in how to improve, enhance and sustain our tourism industry.”
Persons can read the 2022 Budget Address in its entirety at