
Office of the Deputy Governor
Release Date:
Wednesday, 22 June 2022 - 3:55pm

Authorised organisations who facilitate games of chance, such as raffles, are reminded that they are to notify the Office of the Deputy Governor before each event and submit statements after each drawing for due diligence purposes.

If for any reason the drawing of the raffle is cancelled, it is a requirement that the office is notified and that all reasonable steps are taken to notify and reimburse patrons.

Organisations interested in obtaining authorisation can receive more information on the criteria for eligibility and protocols by contacting the Deputy Governor’s Office at telephone number 468-2195 or via email at dgo@gov.vg.


Nia Douglas-Wheatley

Communications Officer II
Deputy Governor's Office
Government of the Virgin Islands
Tel: 284.468.2350
Email: ndouglas@gov.vg