
House of Assembly
Release Date:
Wednesday, 1 May 2019 - 3:16pm

Following the decision by Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool to take the Speaker of the Virgin Islands’ House of Assembly to court over the Speaker’s decision to accept his resignation letter of 5th March, 2019, the Government of the Virgin Islands, through the House of Assembly retained the local law firm of Veritas Law. The firm has four lawyers, plus a paralegal directly involved in the case, in addition to others providing legal advice.

The Speaker of the House of Assembly, Hon. Julian Willock has reaffirmed his full confidence in Veritas Law, headed by Mr. Valston M. Graham and that value for money is still being acheived, one of the objectives of the new government.

The  issue surrounding one of the lawyers involved in the case, as reported by the media, both locally and regionally on 1st May, 2019 has also been noted.