Press Release

Ministry of Communications and Works
Taxi and Livery Commission
Taxi and Livery
Release Date:
Tuesday, 4 June 2024 - 7:17pm

The Taxi and Livery Commission held its first in a series of industry meetings on the proposed tariffs for the Virgin Islands on Virgin Gorda on Monday, June 3.

The meeting discussed the proposed tariffs which outlines the new rates that taxi and livery operators will be required to adhere to. The engagement with taxi operators on Virgin Gorda is said to have generated lively discussions.

Senior Research Analyst from the Premier's Office Mr. Joseph Rosan said the meeting was the first stage in the collection of data from the operators. Following the Territory wide meetings, operators will be re-engaged on the practicality of the proposed rates they have submitted.

The meeting on Virgin Gorda was attended by:

  • Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Kye M. Rymer
  • Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Communications and Works, Mrs. Elvia Smith-Maduro
  • Chairman of the Taxi and Livery Commission Board, Ms. Lorna Christopher
  • Director of the Taxi and Livery Commission, Mr. Jevaughn Parsons
  • Acting Director of the Department of Motor Vehicles, Mr. Gregory Skelton, and other ministry officials.

The schedule of upcoming meetings is as follows:


Meeting Location











Central Taxi Operators

Maria's by the Sea Conference Room

June 4

6:00 p.m.





East End Taxi Operators

Francis Lettsome  Primary School

June 6

6:00 p.m.





Jost Van Dyke Taxi Operators

Methodist Annex, Jost Van Dyke

June 7

10:00 a.m.





West End Taxi Operators

West End Community Centre

June 10

6:00 p.m.





Anegada Taxi Operators

Emile Dunlop Community Centre

June 13

10:00 a.m.

The Taxi and Livery Commission is committed to working closely with the taxi operators to ensure fair and reasonable tariffs for the Virgin Islands.


Giovanni Herbert

Information Officer
Telephone:  468-2035