Communications Officer II
Deputy Governor's Office
Government of the Virgin Islands
Tel: 284.468.2350
Press Release

Tenderers will provide all piling, substructure and superstructure works, exterior and interior finishes, mechanical, electrical and plumbing works associated with the construction of a new elevator shaft and the procurement, installation and commissioning of a new elevator on the West Wing.
Procurement Coordinator, Mrs. Ishma Rhymer said proposed works comprise of providing all plant, labour, equipment and materials and performing all operations in connection with: demolition and excavation works for site clearance and substructure works. She said the works also include piling and associated reinforced concrete foundation works; supplying and installing structural steel frame members and profile decking; exterior cladding and finishing with STO Corp. product to match existing building and to ensure that installers of the STO Corp. product are certified by STO Corp; Interior finishes and MEP works; procurement, supply, install and commission of new Otis elevator.
Eligible tenderers are required to submit Certificates of Good Standing in respect of the Social Security and Taxes including Payroll and Property Tax from BVI Social Security Board, National Health Insurance, Inland Revenue and the Commercial Registry. They must also have a valid Trade Licence, and detailed work programme showing the order in which the various sections of works are to be executed along with other documents as outlined in the tender document. Tenderers must also present a Tender Bond/Tender Security not less than 1% of the bid price, in the form of a bank guarantee, banker’s draft, certified cheque, or a bond provided by an Insurance Agency. Failure on the part of tenderers to enclose the supporting documentation indicated above with each respective tender will render the tender non-responsive on the date of the opening of tenders.
Bidding documents are available from Monday, October 25, 2021, and will be sent to bidders electronically upon request to with the subject title “Ralph T. O’Neal Administration Complex Construction of a New Elevator Shaft and Procurement, Installation and Commissioning of a New Elevator”.
Interested tenderers should submit one (1) original, three (3) copies and one (1) flash drive containing the bidder’s documents. The original bid should be placed in a sealed envelope and marked “ORIGINAL” and the additional copies placed in another sealed envelope and marked “COPIES”. Both envelopes should then be placed in an outer envelope marked ““Ralph T. O’Neal Administration Complex Construction of a New Elevator Shaft and Procurement, Installation and Commissioning of a New Elevator” and addressed to:
The Chairman
Central Tenders Board
Ministry of Finance
Procurement Unit
Qwomar Trading Building No. 2, 2nd Floor
Blackburne Road, TORTOLA, VG 1110
British Virgin Islands
All tenders must be deposited in the Tender Box at the Ministry of Finance (Procurement Unit), Qwomar Trading Building #2 no later than 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 2021. Tenders will not be accepted after the Tender Box is closed.
A virtual pre-tender meeting is scheduled for 10:00 a.m. via WebEx on Friday, November 5, 2021. Due to Covid-19 preventative measures and social distancing guidelines established by the Ministry of Health and Social Development, all prospective tenderers will be notified of the access code and password prior to the meeting. This will be followed by a site visit. All prospective tenderers are invited to attend.
Tenders will be opened at 11:00 a.m. on Tuesday, December 14, 2021 at the Procurement Unit, Ministry of Finance, Qwomar Trading Bldg. #2, 2nd Floor. Tenderers are invited to witness this process via WebEx and will be provided with the access code and password prior to the opening.
For more information, contact the Procurement Coordinator at (284) 468-4243/5921 or email