Recovery And Development Agency Board Appointed

Friday, 27 April 2018 - 5:23pm

Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of the BVI Financial Services Commission, Dr. Robert Mathavious has been appointed Chairman of the Recovery and Development Agency Board.

Statement by Premier Smith - Update on the Recovery Process

Friday, 27 April 2018 - 4:02pm

Madam Speaker, my Government’s work on the recovery and development of the Territory is unrelenting and continues apace. I am therefore pleased to provide a further report on the recovery process.

Second District Business Owners Meeting

Friday, 27 April 2018 - 3:20pm

Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Mark Vanterpool and Second District Representative, Honourable Melvin “Mitch” Turnbull are inviting persons from the business community of Cane Garden Bay and Brewers Bay to a meeting on Thursday, May 3 at 10:00 a.m.

House of Assembly Statement by Premier Smith on United Kingdom Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill

Friday, 27 April 2018 - 2:51pm

Madam Speaker, I wish to make a statement about an issue which has arisen in the UK Parliament. This relates to the legislative progress of a UK Parliamentary Bill, the Sanctions and Anti-Money Laundering Bill.

Housing Recovery Unit Offers Services to Sister Islands

Tuesday, 24 April 2018 - 2:01pm

Residents of Virgin Gorda and Anegada are invited to learn how to apply for the Housing Recovery Assistance Programme on Wednesday, April 25 at the following locations.

Premier Smith Receives Cheque For Restoration Of Admin Complex

Thursday, 19 April 2018 - 12:33pm

The rehabilitation and improvement to the infrastructure of the Central Administration Complex is set to commence following the receipt of $11.4million.

What Do Government Communicators And The Media Want?

Wednesday, 18 April 2018 - 3:35pm

What does Government communicators want? What do the media want? What is the collective responsibility of communicators and the media when an incident or disaster strikes? What are their roles in disaster management?

Paraquita Bay Paving Video Available for Viewing

Wednesday, 18 April 2018 - 1:53pm

The video news release on the Paraquita Bay Road Works is now available 

Removal Of Materials From Festival Grounds

Monday, 16 April 2018 - 2:49pm

All government agencies with responsibility for structures and/or materials, including storage trailers/containers are asked to remove or dismantle these objects from the Road Town Festival Grounds as soon as possible.

Government To Receive Project Management Support

Friday, 13 April 2018 - 1:51pm

Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr. the Honourable D. Orlando Smith, OBE has said that his Government will be receiving project management support from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) to execute development projects for the Territory. 
