Topic: Fire and Rescue, Water and Sewerage | Posted By: DSmith
Friday, 10 May 2019 - 5:33pm
Residents of the Virgin Islands are asked to refrain from any open burning and to conserve water within their homes and businesses as much as possible.
Topic: Emergency, Fire and Rescue | Posted By: aphillip
Thursday, 9 May 2019 - 5:03pm
Minister of Transportation Works and Utilities Honourable Kye Rymer has commended Chief Fire Officer Zebalon Mclean and his officers for extinguishing a bush fire that was threatening the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Simon Potter at Meyers Estate.
Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark Vanterpool has signed a purchase agreement for five HMA F350 Rapid Response appliances for use by the Virgin Islands Fire and Rescue Services (VIFRS).
Topic: Fire and Rescue, Waste Management | Posted By: npickering
Tuesday, 27 November 2018 - 2:20pm
Chief Fire Officer Mr. Zebalon McLean has said that communities on the western end of the Territory are not in any danger with the fire at the incinerator at Pock Wood Pond.
Topic: Fire and Rescue, Ministry of Health | Posted By: npickering
Friday, 2 November 2018 - 12:50pm
A team from MobileTec, a provider of Public Safety Solutions, visited the Territory to continue the implementation process of the 911 Call Handling Centre.
Topic: Fire and Rescue, The Public Service | Posted By: lstevens
Wednesday, 17 October 2018 - 5:45pm
Members of the Public Service Week 2018 Steering Committee are featured as they made a presentation to the Virgin Islands Fire and Rescue Service as part of Public Service Week 2018 activities.
Chief Fire Officer (CFO), Mr. Zebalon McLean is encouraging home and property owners across the Territory to have an evacuation plan in the event of a fire or disaster.