BVI To Observe World Down Syndrome Day On March 21

Thursday, 16 March 2017 - 4:04pm

The British Virgin Islands will for the first time join in observance of World Down Syndrome Day on March 21 under the theme, ‘Lots of Socks’.

Caricom Triennial Award Nomination Of Outstanding Women

Wednesday, 8 February 2017 - 4:12pm

Residents of the BVI are invited to submit recommendations for the 12th CARICOM Triennial Award for Women, 2017. This award aims to honour Caribbean women who have made an outstanding contribution to the socio-economic development of the Caribbean.

Deputy Governor And Staff Support 'Purple Day'

Friday, 7 October 2016 - 3:18pm

Deputy Governor Mrs. Rosalie Adams and the Office of the Deputy Governor participated in Purple Day, today, October 7.
