Topic: Health and Safety, House of Assembly, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Monday, 30 March 2020 - 9:58pm
Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Andrew A. Fahie has moved a motion in the House of Assembly to make provisions for the House to meet remotely.
Un buen día agradable y las bendiciones de Dios a todos y cada uno de ustedes y a sus familias. Ruego que ustedes y sus seres queridos estén a salvo y en buen estado de salud.
Topic: Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus, United Kingdom Overseas Territory | Posted By: npickering
Monday, 30 March 2020 - 8:30pm
Al comenzar una nueva semana en un estado de encierro, me gustaría agradecerles de nuevo a todos por seguir observando el toque de queda. Es más importante que nunca que lo sigamos haciendo.
Topic: Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus, United Kingdom Overseas Territory | Posted By: npickering
Monday, 30 March 2020 - 6:44pm
As we begin a new week in a state of lockdown, I would like to thank you all again for continuing to observe the curfew. It is more important than ever that we continue to do so. As you heard earlier from the Minister for Health and Social Development, we have another confirmed case, taking the total of confirmed cases to three in the Territory.
Topic: Finance and Fiscal Policy, Novel Coronavirus, The Public Service | Posted By: npickering
Monday, 30 March 2020 - 6:16pm
A pleasant Good Day and God’s Blessings to each and every one of you and your families. I pray that you and your loved ones are safe and in good health.
Topic: Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Monday, 30 March 2020 - 5:57pm
El Ministerio de Salud y Desarrollo Social ha confirmado que hay otro caso importado positivo de la enfermedad del coronavirus COVID-19 en las Islas Vírgenes.
Topic: Health and Safety, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Monday, 30 March 2020 - 5:32pm
Essential Workers can now acquire fuel (gas/diesel) during the curfew from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. daily from Delta gas stations on Virgin Gorda and Pasea on Tortola.
Topic: Health and Safety, Health Services, Novel Coronavirus | Posted By: npickering
Monday, 30 March 2020 - 3:28pm
The Ministry of Health and Social Development has confirmed that there is another positive imported case of the coronavirus disease COVID-19 in the British Virgin Islands.
Topic: Health Services, Novel Coronavirus, Public Health | Posted By: aphillip
Monday, 30 March 2020 - 2:16pm
Greetings Virgin Islanders and friends. Consistent with the Government’s commitment to keep you informed I am pleased to present our weekly updates on the Territory’s response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. In the interest of your safety, this week, however, is different because as a Territory, we have been asked to stay at home except for persons authorized.