
Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports
Department of Culture
Release Date:
Wednesday, 4 November 2020 - 4:22pm

The Territory is celebrating its first Culture and Tourism Month during November under the theme, “BVILove is our Culture” and slogan “Virgin Islands Cultural Roots Run Deep. Unity and Togetherness are the Crops We Reap!”

On Friday, November 6, the Department of Culture will be hosting its annual Cultural Food Fair at the Noel Lloyd Positive Action Movement Park from 10:00 a.m. until.

The Food Fair will feature various local dishes along with an arts festival featuring several schools from around the Territory.

The public is encouraged to wear Territorial wear and to come out and enjoy the festivities for the day.

To view more details on the activities for the Culture and Tourism Month, visit the Department’s Facebook page by searching Virgin Islands Department of Culture.


Nekita Turnbull

Deputy Chief Information Officer
Department of Information & Public Relations 
Telephone: 468-2730
Email:  Neturnbull@gov.vg