Press Release

Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports
Education, Schools
Release Date:
Thursday, 11 October 2018 - 6:11pm

The Ministry of Education and Culture will be observing Anti-bullying week from Monday, October 15 to Friday, October 19.

Co-coordinator and School Counsellor, Mr. Jovan Cline said the week’s observance will begin with schools’ general assemblies focused on bullying and reciting the anti-bullying pledge. From Tuesday to Thursday schools will conduct activities focusing on anti-bullying. These events include:

Door Decorating Contest

Display during Anti- Bullying Week

Door must be designed by the students

Door must display the importance of treating others with respect at school and the Anti-Bullying colour most be utilised

Classroom gift prizes

Participation Certificates

Anti-Bullying - Anonymous Drop Box

To be mounted in a designated area of the school

Students must indicate their grade level and the incident

Box should be checked periodically

Anti-Bullying Banner Competition

Opened to Primary and Secondary Schools

Banners will be used in Anti-Bullying Parade/Rally

Banner Contest Rules:

Banners are to be no larger than 4X6 feet

Designs must be clear and appropriate

The banner should display the school’s name, logo or crest

Banners must relate to anti-bullying and the theme

Banners that are painted must be dry when turned in to the information desk

No professional sign painter services may be used

Banners cannot have been entered in any previous competitions

Deadline for submission of banner is 17th October,2018

Anti-Bullying Video Competition

Opened to both private and public schools

Be creative in addressing the question “Why does a person become bully?”

Videos will be sent to GIS to be posted on their Facebook page

The primary and secondary schools that receive the most likes will receive a prize

Length of video: Max - 2 minutes

IMPORTANT: Videos to be emailed to through ONLY

Deadline for submission of video is 19th October, 2018

Co-coordinator and School Counsellor, Ms. Shaunice Leonard added that the week will end with a parade and rally on Friday, October 19 commencing from the Festival Grounds and continuing on DeCastro Street down to the Central Administration Complex where a short ceremony will be held.

For more information on the week contact the Ministry of Education and Culture at 468-2151.


Nekita Turnbull

Deputy Chief Information Officer
Department of Information & Public Relations 
Telephone: 468-2730