Photo and Caption

Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports
Department of Education
Bregado Flax Educational Centre Secondary Division
Release Date:
Wednesday, 1 May 2024 - 10:30am

Minister for Education, Youth Affairs and Sports, Honourable Sharie de Castro is featured with staff and students of the Bregado Flax Educational Centre (BFEC) and Robinson O’Neal Memorial Primary School (ROMPS) on Virgin Gorda. Minister de Castro visited classes to speak to the staff and students about their experiences at the respective schools. The students shared positive feedback and pointed out some areas that they felt could be improved to enhance their learning experiences at school. The school visits to BFEC and ROMPS was a promise kept to visit all schools in the Territory as a part of Education Month 2024.

Photo Credits: P. Bridgewater


Paul Bridgewater

Information Officer I (Ag.)
Department of Information and Public Relations