Press Release

Office of the Deputy Governor
Release Date:
Thursday, 29 August 2024 - 1:26pm

The rehabilitation of the Old Administration Building on Main Street, Tortola has begun following initial delays caused by the passage of Tropical Storm Ernesto.

The first phase of the project will see the rehabilitation of the front-facing façade. This includes the replacement of structural support members and all metallic features to make these aspects safer for pedestrians and motor vehicles.

Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Sharleen DaBreo-Lettsome, MBE commented on the significance of the project, including the historical importance of the building and the Government of the Virgin Islands’ ongoing commitment to the Public Estate.  

Mrs. DaBreo-Lettsome, MBE  said, “The Old Administration Building on Main Street represents a vital period in the history of the Virgin Islands and the Public Service and we must do whatever is possible to maintain the integrity of these historical structures. The Old Administration Building provided a solid foundation for some of the Public Service’s earliest days and we must do whatever is necessary to preserve the history that these walls hold.”

Public Estate Manager, Floyd Stoutt said that the ongoing project is a strong representation of the Office of the Deputy Governor’s commitment to the maintenance of Government-owned structures, especially those with significant historical relevance.

Mr. Stoutt held a walk-through in June with prospective contractors to discuss the scope of works needed for the building, which was originally completed in 1866, and has housed various Government agencies, including the Chief Minister’s Office, the High Court Registry, Customs and many others.

GND Construction was awarded the contract for the project and the first phase of the rehabilitation process is expected to be completed by November 2024.

Motorists and pedestrians are asked to exercise caution when traversing the area.


Eusa Z. Adams

Assistant Information Officer
Deputy Governor's Office
Government of the Virgin Islands
Tel: 284.468.2219