Statement By Honourable Carvin Malone - Update On The Waste Management Programme

Saturday, 2 January 2021 - 10:02am

Mr. Speaker, I am pleased to present an update on the Department of Waste Management’s ongoing efforts to increase recycling and waste reduction in the Territory.

Statement By Honourable Carvin Malone - COVID-19 Situation And Response

Saturday, 2 January 2021 - 9:56am

Mister Speaker, let me first extend New Year Greetings to everyone in these beautiful Virgin Islands; throughout the region and via all the usual communication mediums, who have had to endure the sound of my voice giving updates on what I think is the most critical topic in this Territory’s history, over the past 10 months – that of COVID-19. 

Statement By Honourable Carvin Malone - COVID-19 Vaccination And New UK Strain

Saturday, 2 January 2021 - 9:53am

Mister Speaker, yesterday on 30th December 2020 the United Kingdom’s Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency for supply in the United Kingdom approved AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford/Vaccitechs Covid-19 vaccine candidate AZD1222.

Statement by Dr. the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley - Education Update 2020/2021

Saturday, 2 January 2021 - 9:38am

Mister Speaker, I thank you for the opportunity to share in this Honourable House and with the entire community, updates on the progress in schools since the start of the 2020/2021 school year and plans for the upcoming term. 

Statement by Premier Fahie on the Integrity in Public Life Act 2020

Tuesday, 22 December 2020 - 10:06am

Your elected Virgin Islands Government continues to take initiative and exercise leadership in putting measures in place to strengthen the good governance framework of our Territory.

Announcements By Speaker: Fourth Sitting Of The Third Session Of The Fourth House Of Assembly

Monday, 7 December 2020 - 12:21pm

Good morning and my customary welcome to the Fourth Sitting of the Third Session of the Fourth House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands.

70th Anniversary Of The Restoration Of Legislature Remembered

Wednesday, 2 December 2020 - 10:48am

In 1949, after a major demonstration led by pioneer Legislators such as Mr. Theodolph Faulkner, Mr. Isaac “Glannie” Fonseaca and Mr. Carlton deCastro, it was realised that the wish of the Virgin Islands people was to have a representative Government that could be changed from time to time and it would better suit the needs of the community.

Speech From The Throne - Driving BVI Innovation Through Legislation

Thursday, 5 November 2020 - 1:45pm

Mr. Speaker, Honourable Members of the House of Assembly, invited guests, those viewing online and listening via radio, good morning.

Government Legislative Agenda To Be Read On November 5

Wednesday, 4 November 2020 - 5:49pm

The Speech from the Throne outlining Government’s Legislative Agenda will be delivered by His Excellency the Governor Mr. Augustus J. U. Jaspert during the First Sitting of the Third Session of the Fourth House of Assembly (HOA) on Thursday, November 5.

Governor To Deliver Speech From The Throne This Thursday

Monday, 2 November 2020 - 4:47pm

On Thursday, 5th November His Excellency the Governor Augustus J. U. Jaspert is expected to deliver his final Speech from the Throne.
