Topic: Human Development, The Public Service | Posted By: jbrizan
Wednesday, 27 December 2023 - 10:59am
The Department of Human Resources is preparing to launch a new talent management system, dubbed TALEO. The system aims at streamlining the Government’s on-boarding and employee management services.
Deputy Governor, Mr. David Archer, Jr. will act in the Office of Governor from December 22 to December 27 in the absence of His Excellency the Governor, Mr. John J. Rankin, CMG, who will be out of the Territory.
Topic: Sister Islands, The Public Service, Training | Posted By: jbrizan
Friday, 8 December 2023 - 10:57am
Forty-Three (43) Human Resources Professionals from across the Public Service have received training and inspiration during a one-day retreat on Scrub Island.
The Office of the Deputy Governor will continue its consultations this week with public officers on the new Public Service Salary Structure, to come into effect on January 1.