The Ministry of Communications and Works is notifying residents of Upper Huntum’s Ghut that works have begun for the reconstruction and stabilisation of the road.
Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Mark Vanterpool is calling on motorists to be mindful of the high influx of tourists that are visiting the Territory and to refrain from abusing the laws of the road.
The public is reminded that the section of road from McNamara Junction to the Prospect Reef Roundabout will be closed nightly for works on the Sewerage Force main.
The Ministry of Communications and Works is informing the residents of Carrot Bay that there will be a partial road closure on the North Coast Road beginning Saturday, November 14 to demolish and rebuild the bridge.
Topic: Roads, Water and Sewerage | Posted By: aphillip
Wednesday, 11 November 2015 - 3:30pm
The Ministry of Communications and Works is notifying the public that the parking lot adjacent Pusser’s in Road Town will be closed from Thursday, November 12 at 6:00 p.m.....
The Ministry of Communications and Works is informing the public that asphalt paving for the unpaved section of the James Walter Francis Drive dual carriage-way will be carried out this weekend October 17 and 18 beginning at 8:30 a.m. daily.
The Government of the Virgin has signed two contracts with Quality Construction Limitedto execute rehabilitation works at Long Trench and Huntum’s Ghut under the Caribbean Development Bank (CDB) Project scope.