Select Committee Extends Deadline For Evidence

Monday, 3 September 2018 - 2:28pm

The deadline for written evidence to be submitted to the United Kingdom (UK) Foreign Affairs Select Committee Inquiry on the future of the UK’s Overseas Territories (OTs) has been extended to September 18.

One-On-One Press Statement By Premier Smith

Wednesday, 29 August 2018 - 5:12pm

Ladies and gentlemen of the media,

I thank you for being here this afternoon.

As you are all aware by now, we are approaching the one year mark since the passage of Hurricane Irma.

Magistrate’s Court Holds First Sitting In New Modular Building

Thursday, 2 August 2018 - 6:14pm

The Magistrate’s Court heard its first case in its new modular building in John’s Hole on July 31.
