Press Release

Ministry of Education, Youth Affairs and Sports
H Lavity Stoutt Community College
Release Date:
Monday, 1 February 2021 - 10:57am

Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr. Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley has deemed the appointment of Dr. Richard Georges as the seventh President of the H. Lavity Stoutt Community College, as a vision realised.

He said, “Dr. Martin Luther King Junior had a dream but the late great Lavity [Stoutt] still had a vision. He had a vision that we would be able to direct our own destiny… When Dr. George, a graduate of this institution, has now become its President I would say the vision of our late great founder Lavity Stoutt has been realised.”

Dr. Richard Georges will be the first alumnus of the institution to become the President which is an astounding accomplishment within the institution’s 30 year. Dr. Georges also holds the title of the Territory’s first Poet Laureate and has won the OCM Bocas Prize for Caribbean Literature.

The Education Minister noted that such a great milestone will not end with Dr. Georges, in fact, he envisions that the next Premier of the Virgin Islands and people alike will be products of the ever growing institution.

“I will say that this institution will be the institution where the individual who leads the Financial Services Commission, will graduate from. And I will say that this institution will be the institution that the next Deputy Governor will graduate from and maybe in a different form of Government they maybe even the Governor,” Dr. the Honourable Wheatley said.

The Minister congratulated Dr. Georges and pledged to support him in his new role as they are working towards the same goal.

To view the Presidential Investiture Ceremony for Dr. Richard Georges visit the HLSCC Facebook page or click here:



  • Audio: Remarks by Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs, Fisheries and Agriculture, Dr. Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley


Nekita Turnbull

Deputy Chief Information Officer
Department of Information & Public Relations 
Telephone: 468-2730