His Majesty's Prison Celebrates Learning Achievements

Friday, 7 June 2024 - 5:22pm

A ‘Reward and Recognition Service’ was recently held for staff at His Majesty’s Prison who completed over 1300 learning hours since the start of the year.

Prison Inmates Complete Life Skills Reintegration Programme

Tuesday, 4 June 2024 - 11:49am

Fourteen (14) inmates from His Majesty’s Prison have completed the first-ever Life Skills Reintegration Programme (LSRP).

His Majesty’s Prison Officers Complete Training In Bermuda

Friday, 19 April 2024 - 2:52pm

Two prison officers from His Majesty’s Prison recently completed Control and Restraint (C&R) training in Bermuda.

Governor Pruce Visits HM Prison Debate Participants

Friday, 8 March 2024 - 11:46am

His Excellency the Governor Mr. Daniel Pruce has visited participants from the first His Majesty’s Prison’s males vs females debate to discuss issues addressed in the debate.

H.M Prison Officers Consulted On New Salary Structure

Wednesday, 6 March 2024 - 10:48am

Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor, Mrs. Sharleen DaBreo-Lettsome, MBE is pictured hosting a consultation with staff of His Majesty’s Prisons

HM Prison Hosts First Ever Inmates Debate

Monday, 26 February 2024 - 4:40pm

His Majesty Prison held its first debate between male and female inmates as part of its ongoing rehabilitative initiative.

The initiative was a partnership between the prison and the New Life Baptist Church and is expected to be an annual event. The female and male debate team argued over the moot, ‘Why is the rate of reoffending so high and what can the prison do to reduce the numbers.’

Prison Visiting Committee Engage In Training And Orientation

Friday, 16 February 2024 - 3:18pm

The Ministry of Health and Social Development recently held training for members of the Prison Visiting Committee to enhance their knowledge of their roles in helping to protect inmates at His Majesty's Prison.

HM Prison Receives Donation For Rehabilitation Efforts

Friday, 9 February 2024 - 4:50pm

Office Of Gender Affairs And HM Prison Discuss Gender-Focused Initiatives

Friday, 9 February 2024 - 12:52pm

The Office of Gender Affairs and His Majesty’s Prison have held discussions on gender-related initiatives and training for staff and inmates at the institution.

Consultation On New Salary Scheme Presented to H.M. Customs

Wednesday, 7 February 2024 - 11:05am

Permanent Secretary, Mrs. Sharleen Dabreo-Lettsome, MBE is pictured hosting a consultation with the staff of His Majesty’s Customs on the new Public Service Salary Structure.
